Monday, 7 May 2012

Perisian Grafik

Perisian Grafik

Beberapa contoh perisian grafik yang biasa digunakan ialah :

a- Perisian Reka Letak:
Quark  xpress

QuarkXPress (selalunya dipanggil Quark) adalah aplikasi komputer untuk mereka dan mengedit kompleks reka letak muka surat seperti mana yang kita lihat seperti itu persekitaran yang kita akan dapat (what You See Is What You Get). Boleh digunakan sama ada Mac OS X atau Windows.  Mula diperkenalkan oleh Quark. Inc pada 1987, pemilikannya sehingga kini.

Sekarang dikeluarkan dalam bahasa Inggeris dan 36 bahasa  lain. Perisian ini digunakan pereka persendirian dan syarikat penerbitan besar untuk kerja-kerja reka letak, dari produk semuka ke pelbagai media projek seperti majalah, surat khabat, katalog dan sebagainya.

Adobe PageMaker 

Merupakan perisian yang ideal untuk program reka letak bagi keperluan perniagaan, pendidikan dan pejabat yang profesional bagi menghasilkan penerbitan yang bermutu tinggi seperti katalog dan akhbar.

b- Perisian Melukis, ilustrasi dan imej:
Macromedia FreeHand
Ia adalah aplikasi komputer untuk meraka grafik vector 2 dimensi

Macromedia FreeHand is a computer application for creating two-dimensional vector graphics that are oriented primarily to professional illustration, desktop publishing and content creation for the Web. FreeHand is similar in scope, intended market, and functionality to Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw and Xara Designer Pro [1]. Because of FreeHand’s dedicated page layout and text control features, it also compares to Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress. Professions using FreeHand include Graphic Design, Illustration, Cartography, Fashion and Textile Design, Product Design, Architects, Science Research, and Multimedia Production.[2]
FreeHand was created by Altsys Corporation in 1988 and licensed to Aldus Corporation which released versions 1 through 4. In 1994, Aldus merged with Adobe Systems and because of the overlapping market with Adobe Illustrator, FreeHand was returned to Altsys by order of the Federal Trade Commission.[3] Altsys was later bought by Macromedia, which released FreeHand versions 5 through 11(FreeHand MX). In 2005, Adobe Systems acquired Macromedia and its product line which included FreeHand MX, under whose ownership it presently resides.[4]
Development has been discontinued but it is still sold in versions for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.[4] FreeHand MX is available in English, German, Chinese (traditional and simplified), French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish languages.
FreeHand MX continues to run under Windows 7 using compatibility mode and under Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) within Rosetta (software), a Carbon Application emulator, and requires a registration patch supplied by Adobe.[5]
Adobe  I lustrator 
Corel Draw

Microsoft Paint atau Paint Brush
Painter 3D

c- Perisian Mengedit Foto dan Membentuk Imej:
Adobe Photoshop

d- multimedia Interaktif, Linear dan Animasi:
Macromedia Director
Macromedia Flash
Macromedia Authorware

e- Perisian Reka Bentuk 3-D dan animasi:
3D Studio Max
Auto CAD

f- Reka Bentuk Laman Web:
Macromedia Flash Ms Front Page

g- Mengedit filem:
Adobe Premiere
Digital Video Producer
i Film
Ulead Video
Movie Magic
Window Movie Maker

h- Mengedit Audio:
Sound Forge
Sound Edit

...Ke menu perisian grafik tutorial

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